To tell a quick story about Gladiator: we will start off with his mother, who Bart and his father were scoring race after race with. A few eye sign guys told Bart the pigeon would never breed anything special and was just a strictly racing bird.
Fast forward to the next year, which is 2003, Bart breeds one pigeon off her, and it is Gladiator. He keeps flying the hen and he loses her in a smash race. Gladiator went on to be a prolific racer until he came home hurt.
After resting him up for a week or two and letting him rebound, Bart sends Gladiator back to the races, knowing he just had to fly one more race for Olympic records and National Ace Records.
Gladiator ends up coming in and winning the Olympic and National Ace title- making a pretty cool story. From being the only youngster bred off his mother, to becoming one of the very best breeders of Europe and other parts of the world in such short time.
Geerinckx is known for having one of the current best middle distance families of pigeons in Belgium right now. From Gladiator to Wittekop Sylvester, his two base breeders, their progeny excel from 200 to 400 miles. From Provincial to National Levels in Europe, to scoring against the worlds best competition in Victoria Falls, winning the Hoosier Final race in 2020, these pigeons have made their mark on the sport of pigeon racing. They are not "fast" pigeons, but reliable. You can count on these pigeons to come home in any weather conditions. Do not count these pigeons out in any situations! They have proven to come home in fast races and slower races.
In my experience, from handling these pigeons, they range from medium to large in size. I selected mine to be on the medium to small range.
For example, the father of the 2020 Hoosier Winner for McLaughlin Lofts was a grandson of Wittekop Sylvester named "Minster" bred by Premier Stud. He was a small to medium cock at best, potent as ever, and a super super breeder. Even Porsche 911, many have said he is perfect in the hand. He is a grandson of Gladiator. I have handled some excellent pigeons down from "Blue Lagoon" "Acy" "Chipos Lad" and all of the very best ones were not big pigeons.
Porsche 911 and his siblings have dominated the National Racing and One Loft Racing scene in the pigeon world. PIPA Elite Center struck gold when they paired up the wonder pair 'Wacko Freddy x Lieve'. Wacko Freddy descends down from the De Rauw Sablons and 'Lieve' comes right from Bart Geerinckx, direct from Gladiator.
Porsche 911 is admired around the world being one of the best breeders the sport has seen. It is a no brainer to buy around the famous lines of Porsche 911. With some extensive research and time, we have brought in what we think is a very impressive collection of Geerinckx and Porsche pigeons. I am fortunate enough to be good friends with Nikolaas Gyselbrecht, the owner of PIPA Elite Center, and he has guided me in the right direction for bringing in some of the very best of his loft. I feel that in no time these pigeons are going to make an impact in my loft, as they already have for hundreds around the world!